Tuesday, March 5, 2013

little blessings...

So today was my sweet baby girl's check-up after her hospital stay. Happy today that she is doing great and they are happy with where she is at. We still have the option of getting her suctioned if need be, but we are all hoping that we don't need to. It is funny to me that the two doctors who have really dealt with our kids can tell when they are sick because they behave so differently. I have loud children full of so much personality that when they are not openly showing it we all know something is wrong. :) I am so glad that my kids are so sweet and have their own personalities. I am also so grateful that people see my children as well behaved. I work hard to have them behave and though they don't always behave at home (and somedays I feel absolutely crazy) they always behave well when we are out somewhere. I know that my children are growing into great young men and a great little girl.

On to what I was originally going to be thankful for today. I am thankful to Dr. Newman who took the time to look at Aiden today even though it was Dessa's appointment. I love the small town family doctors for that reason. They really do care about how you and your whole family are doing. I don't go in there everytime asking for him to look at someone else though we usually discuss a multitude of health concerns while there I do not usually have him check out someone else in the family. I am glad he was so willing to today though because my Mr. Aiden has an ear infection. He woke up in the middle of the night crying that his ear hurt and he couldn't go back to bed. I feel so bad that he is hurting so bad, but I am glad that we have the meds to get him on the mend as well as the essential oils to help him heal faster. We are so blessed in our lives by all the many kind people we know. I couldn't be happier! :)

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