Monday, March 4, 2013

liFE HAPpens

Okay so I missed a few days but life happens and I would way rather have been where I was worrying about what I was then stressing about my blog and challenge :)

March 2- I am so grateful for hospitals and the ability they have to treat little children with RSV so well. Was it fun to see Dessa get her nose suctioned no, but I am glad they did it and got all of that mucus out of her so she could heal. She is a completely different baby from Friday night. I am so thankful for Kenny (the respiratory therapist) and how good he is at his job. He in my opinion is a huge part of her fast recovery.

March 3- I am grateful to have such amazing people in our lives who cared to reach out and check on us. It is so amazing to be surround my such kind and caring people. I really appreciate each one of them who reached out to check on not just Dessa but for everyone in our family. I am also so grateful for all the offers to help us out as we were balancing the family from two different places. Makes me really grateful for my cell phone that allowed us to say good night to the boys and to be able to be involved in bed time prayer.

March 4- I am grateful to the many people with so much knowledge of cars and for the friends who willing at the drop of a hat came and saved me and my sweet son from our overly tired unworking vehicle :) Got to love those days right.

More then anything I love the life I have and the people I share it with. I am so grateful for the health of my sweet babies and my spouse. Our lives are full of so many blessings and miracles we just have to stop so we can see them when they take place!

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