I did not manage to get this post written before midnight rolled around but since I haven't fallen asleep yet it counts ;)
Today i am thankful for so many things today. I am grateful for the knowledge I have of the ressurection and the faith I have in it. I love that we were able to go to church and teach our primary kids about the ressurection. That is such a blessing to see such bright spirits latch onto the principles of our gospel with so much purety and assurity. They amaze me all the time and I love how much that can teach us as we teach them.
Today I am also thankful for my beautiful children. I know again...right? I honestly get to see so many moments that are just so sweet and special with them. I got a great picture today of my three sweet loving boys helping their baby sister walk to her daddy. It is so amazing to see a bond like that between your children and know that as they get older they will have one another as friends to lean on. I couldn't be happier about that. I also love that I know my boys care about their sister and want to keep her safe. She has three brothers to watch over her and protect her and a big daddy to as well. She is one lucky girl!
I am also very grateful for the working camera that we have that catches so many great moments of our kids. I do wish that our video camera was in working order so that we could catch all the moments inbetween what the camera catches but you can't complain when you can at least catch a good majority of them. Today is definately one of those days where you want to catch those moments. Some of those firsts and just the fun special holiday moments. We are lucky to have a camera and the access to get copies of those pictures.
Today well we were doing the Easter egg hunt we had the two older boys outside and the younger two kids inside. The Easter Bunny did it that was so it was fair. ;) So of course the two older boys did a great job finding eggs outside and only missed a few without help. Inside with the two young kids was such a special experience. I didn't at all expect what I say and I had to switch Aarron kids so he could share that experience as well. Owen is a sweet little guy and loves his siblings but he is also a really rough kid. He constantly runs over his sister just because he doesn't pay attention to what he is doing or who is around. He will just go up and hit his brothers (not that he gets away with behaving like that) but needless to say he is just a rough little guy. Our sweet experience today is such a perfect example of the little guy he really is. He is sweet and caring. He loves to share and he is loving! Today while he was easter egg hunting with his little sister he all of the sudden took a couple eggs out of his basket and put them in Dessa's basket. He saw that she only had 1 egg and wanted to share. After that as they were hunting in the bedrooms for eggs he would find an egg and put it in her basket and the next egg he found would go in his or vice versa. I think that is going to forever be such a priceless moment. I am glad that I got to share in that moment with my sweet kids and to witness the pure love they have for one another. I am blessed with such amazing children. They are stubborn and sometimes that makes my job as a mom so difficult, but these moments are the ones as a mom you live for. I couldn't imagine a more perfect show of love on such an amazing day.
A beautiful day with so much to be thankful for. :)
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