Friday, March 22, 2013

any better...?

Can it really get any better then this? I really feel like I have such a blessed life. There are rough patches for many different reasons along the way but even those become a blessing. Everytime I turn around I am amazed by the wonderful people who share my home. There is so much love in our home and I am astounded by it and so glad for it. I can't help but tell and show my family how much I love them on a daily basis. They all return that love so completely. I am thankful for the blessing of these beautiful people in my life. I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for blessing me with these sweet spirits. This was not really the original plan for my post but I honestly feel like the luckiest woman in the world so often that I can't help but share those feelings. It is a beautiful thing to be so happy and to know how amazing the people are who share your life with you on a daily basis!

I would also still like to share how thankful I am for our wonderful evening last night. I made a yummy dinner and we decided to go eat out on the lawn. It was so nice to be able to go outside and spend the time together as a family eating and talking. After dinner was over we got to pull out some of the outside toys and play with all our sweet kids outside. It was so much fun to play outside with them and to just watch them and soak up those moments. They will grow up so fast and I love to watch and see how much they have learned and grown already. Our children have always had lots of personality but it is fun to see how the older kids personalities are growing as they learn more things and have that time to search out their independant thoughts. I am thankful for the nice weather that allowed us to share that time last night before bedtime rolled around. Overall I am just grateful for this beautiful life I have been blessed with!

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