Thursday, July 21, 2011

Slow Motion

So time seemed to be going at a pretty nice pace, but now I am feeling like it is almost at a stand still. I know that is not the case, but I really want to see Iradessa already. I do not want her to come this early as that would be scary. Maybe time will pick back up in my mind once everyone I know who is having babies in August have them and then it will be back to just waiting for our beautiful little girl to join us :) Aiden I think is feeling the same way. He has asked me quite a few times if we can see Dessa in my tummy again. To bad it does not work like that. He also is very attached to his baby sister already. He is always putting his hands on my tummy and saying "Mom I want to feel baby sister move." I think it is so cute that he is already so attached to her. Not sure he will be so excited once he realizes that he will still have to be going to school when she arrives. I worry some about Owen when Dessa arrives, because he is so attached to me and he will lose some of the time that I spend with him. I hope that he adjusts as well as Ian did when Owen arrived. Either way I know that it will all work out and our home will still be a happy loving place for all us. On a happy note I am making progress on the blanket I am crocheting for Dessa and I have almost gotten all the boys baby scrapbooks finished. I have like 6 pages left in Owen's book and I will be done. I love finishing projects it really makes you feel like you accomplished something. I think that these memories are so worth having put together to treasure forever!