Sunday, May 8, 2011

What A Weekend

My best friend/sister graduated from the U on Friday and then at her saturday celebration she got engaged. I am so thrilled for them. I know I am beyond lucky to have her as a friend and to share in her family. They are such wonderful people. I love them all like crazy. Her fiance is a great man, and I know they will make a wonderful life together :) I cannot wait until the wedding! I also had a good friend we met at Snow get married on Friday. It is great to know that there are people in the world who still share love and kindness together like it should be. It makes me really sit back when these events take place and just realize what an amazing husband I have. We are a lucky family, because we share so many fun memories and laughs. I know my kids will get to grow up with a sense of love and will truely know that we love them and each other. They may forget it when they are teenagers ;) But deep down they will know. As an end note Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mom's out there that I know, but most of all to my amazing mom who set an example worth living up to.