Friday, February 22, 2013

Not so Speedy Update

Okay so here it goes...
Since we moved Aiden has managed to read up to a fourth grade level and then he got switched to the Dual Immersion so he is now reading both English and Spanish. He loves the program and does come home and say some of the words he has learned. I love the most when I see him pull out the Spanish homework and he says "Mom, I know what to do." He is so confident and I love that. I hope that he gets to stay confident in both himself and school. He is such an amazing boy and a huge blessing. He is a great big brother as well. He has his moments, but then don't we all.

Ian up north was skating along in school. Since moving back to Cedar my sweet boy has been doing a lot better in school just in regards to class behavior. School work wise he came down into his class with no great handwriting. He has an amazing teacher who works with him at school and between her work and mine on pushing him to "do his best work" he has come so far in such a short amount of time. He has such a fun personality and though he still is clueless sometimes he is pushing himself to achieve more. I am so proud of my little guy and all that he has accomplished so far. He also has grown as a brother. He is a lot better at paying attention and playing careful. I have watched his love for his siblings grow as he has started to pay more attention to the world around him instead of being in his own bubble. I am so proud of him and I love him more then I could ever say. I will share one of my scary mom moments....

Ian rides the bus to and from school and has been doing so for about 2 months now. We have never had a problem until...
That one day :)
Ian gets off the bus with a little boy who lives across the street. I am a weird mom and I am usually outside when the bus drops them off but not quite to where the bus stops. So about 2 weeks ago Ryder gets off the bus and I wait for am minute and there is no Ian. I asked Ryder if Ian was on the bus at first he said "No." I thought okay he just stayed at the school and now we have to go pick him up. I hope he is okay and not freaking out. Then Ryder looks back up at me and says, "yes, he was." By then the bus had started to drive forward. I was freaked out a little but started to run after the bus. The bus had one more stop on our street so I started trying to wave the bus down when it stopped. I had no luck and the bus drove off. At that point I wanted to just sit down and cry as I couldn't catch the bus and who knew where my son was going to end up. I didn't because I wanted my son back so I ran to the top street hoping to catch the bus before it left our neighborhood. I did talk to the bus driver and he had said he dropped little kid off on our street and that the kid looked like he knew where he was going. So I started running back home. The bus driver had looped back around and dropped Ian off by our house. When I saw Ian I was so relieved and I did break down and cry and I think everyone here thought I was a little crazy, but I am so glad that my sweet Ian made it home to me. I have said a few times since then make sure you get off the bus with Ryder and so far we have not had any more problems. I hope it stays that way!

My little Owen bug. He is such a fun little guy, but oh boy is he a little spit fire. Part of me can't get made for him being a little wild, because it has been part of the development that he missed that first little while when he couldn't hear. I am so glad to see him grow and learn new things all the time. I am so glad that I stepped up and had him checked when he wasn't talking. He has been delayed by that, but now that he can hear he is catching up quickly. The only thing he is still  working on is self help skills which seem to improve on a weekly basis and his speech. The boy has caught me off guard a time or two because he will just all of the sudden say something so clearly that he couldn't say days ago. It is an amazing thing to watch him learn these skills and put them together so fast. In an odd way I am kind of glad he was delayed and that it is fixable. It is very interesting to watch a little bit older of a child pick up skills that such young "babies" have. It is amazing how the brain works honestly and the order things are suppose to fall in. I enjoy watching Owen bond with his sister and to learn not only how to talk and do all of those things, but how to become a big brother and a kind boy. I love him more then I could say. He is a spit fire and will give us a run for our money but the fun and loving moments will always be in more abundance!

Sweet little Dessa...
My little girl is still little, but she has grown a lot. It is funny to see such a tiny thing with such mature gestures and behaviors. I am in love with this little girl. Heavenly Father knew what he was doing when he sent her precious soul to our home. All of us love her and our family wouldn't have been complete without her. Little miss Dessa is not a big fan of the baby stuff and wants to be as big as she can be. We sit her at the table in her booster seat which is where she wants to be. She will hold her hands up for you to put the tray on and wait until it clicks before she puts them down. She doesn't like the walker at all, and loves to crawl back to the boys and play in the room with them. She will crawl on their beds and just sit and laugh with them or at them while they are being crazy. She still won't walk on her own, but she did take a step today all on her own so I think that is coming along! She is full of personality and has a cheesy little grin which isn't shocking because personality seems to be big around here. Then again would you really want it any other way? I know I wouldn't. As much personality as she has she has a sweet heart. She is still cuddling me. She is a mommy's girl big time and I am so not complaining. She is so calm and quiet most times and just wants to sit on you and cuddle. It is nice to have one calm one. I am not holding my breath that it will last though. Not with crazy brothers like hers. :)

We are so blessed to have such amazing children and our lives would be pretty dull if we didn't have them around. They are our greatest blessing and such special gift from God. I love being a Mom and I know nothing else in my life will give me as much joy as these sweet spirits do. That being said I am also beyond lucky to have such an amazing and loving husband.

Aarron is an awesome dad. They love him so much and you know that he loves them as well. He is kind and loving and so willing to help them learn. He is such a hardworker. He doesn't always love everything that goes along with his job but he does it anyway. He puts in the time when he doesn't want to and when I don't want him to either simply because it needs to be done. He is such a caring person and applies that to his job. I love to see the man that he is on a daily basis. He is still working at Chrysalis and already making a difference in the house. He is good at what he does and I believe it is because he cares about the people he works with and wants the best for him. I am so blessed to have such an amazing example in my life for my children and myself. We have grown a lot as a family and individuals in the past 7 years and I look forward to seeing how we have grown in the years to come.

If you read through this I hope you weren't bored to tears, but it is important to me to keep track of this journey we are on and to express my overwhelming love for the beautiful people who bless my life. I love them all if you couldn't tell...I love them more then I could ever say to them so I will do my very best to always show them how important they are to me :)

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