Saturday, February 23, 2013

iS iT oDd To Be GrAtEfUl

Have you ever had those days where life just didn't make a whole lot of sense. Well today is one of those. We went to a beautiful funeral today and listened to many people who cared for this man that passed away and heard how he had come so far in his life and was on the right path just to be taken from us all to soon. Isn't that just crazy!?

This week has been an interesting one as I have almost felt guilty to be happy, hungry, or grateful. How can I do all of those things when my friends lost their son. I have come to a realization where we must move forward in a positive way or we are wasting our lives which is not what anyone would want us all to do.

I am happy to say today that I am so grateful that my friends family is doing well. Yes they are heart broken and sad, but they are also in a way at peace because of their faith and they are full of love. The services today were a perfect send off to their precious son. It was such a wonderful thing to see them with a positive outlook even in a time of such pain. I love them all so very much and will continue to pray for them as they work to move forward in their own lives!

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