Friday, November 2, 2012


This post is definitely more for personal purposes then anything else. I wish I would have gotten to the blogging world about 7 years earlier. I would have loved to blog about my personal journey that began that long ago and that created the beautiful family and journey I now have. Anyways in my lack of blogging or writing in a journal I have missed recording some of those important milestones in my children's lives. I would suggest to all you mommies out there if you happen to read across my blog to keep a record of all those fun first your kids do. First smile, tooth, laugh, etc.

I will be posting the very basics of what I can recall of my kids milestones. I do have some things written down for Aiden but did not manage to do so for all of them.

First tooth- 10 months

Walked- 11 months...He did this one day all on his own. I had sat him down in the kitchen so that I could get him a bottle and as I turned around to check on him he had stood up and was walking in this perfect little circle. It was one of the best moments ever.

I also recorded Aiden's first snow storm on video but I am not sure what age he was, but it is an amazing video that I treasure dearly!

Aiden rolled over a little late as he had acid reflux and was held pretty constantly I don't think he rolled over until he was 5 months old.

He crawled shortly after that somewhere between 6-7 months.

Aiden's first word was dada 

It makes me sad that I can't record more of his milestones but I am very glad that I do remember some of them

First tooth- 6 months

Walked- 1 week to the day before his first birthday. It was fun to watch him walk back and forth between Aarron and me and to watch him feel sure enough of himself to walk.

We got a funny video of Ian when he was a baby eating a chicken nugget while asleep but it got lost off of a phone. Part of me is glad cause the poor kid would have never lived that down, but I still chuckle about it sometimes. It was very cute.

Ian rolled over at 3 months I believe

He crawled at 5 1/2 months I think...I do not enjoy that there is guess work in these milestones but better to have some idea then none at all.

Ian's first word was dada

First tooth- 6 months as well

Walked-- 11 months and then he started running after his brothers about 2 weeks later :) It hasn't stopped yet.

Owen rolled over between 2 1/2 months

He crawled finally at 7 months

He first word was mama which he said at almost 8 months and then he stopped making noise at all once he hit about 9. He would later begin to grunt but did not make sounds anymore.

After that we missed a lot of milestones because Owen was missing some important developmental moments. This was because his ears were so full of fluid that his ear drums wouldn't move. I think he was like that from the time he was 8 months until we got tubes for him right before he turned two. I felt like such an awful mom because I had somehow missed that he was struggling to hear. Aiden had bad ear infections and had ended up with tubes when he was just over 1 so I felt like I really should have caught Owen's issue. Looking back at it all now though how was I honestly suppose to know when he wasn't getting ear infections and the few times he showed signs we asked a doctor and it looked like he was getting over an ear infection. We did the best we could with what we knew, and my lack of knowledge does not mean there was a lack of love on my part. I am glad I learned that and that we are getting to watch him progress so quickly now. He is doing amazingly well. He has picked up huge amounts of speech in the last 8 months and he also has improved his fine motor skills greatly as well. I love my boy and am glad that I can help him through this trial in his life and hope that I can continue to do that for him as he grows up and has to face more challenges.

First tooth-- to this point that has not happened which is good to some degree because it will allow her teeth to be healthier and we don't have to worry about teeth until she hits 18 months and then they would just take x rays to make sure they are there :o)

Walked- She is our only baby that has not walked before one but that is okay with me to and I am glad that she is still tiny since I have to carry her around still. She is a girl so of course she has to take make her mark right ;o) Plus she only just turned one on Halloween

Her first word was mama of course and she started saying that at 4 months old but I think she realized that mama was me around 6 months.

Dessa rolled over when she was 3 months old

She army crawled clear up to 9 months and then would get on her hands and knees and rock by 10 months she was finally crawling that way most of the time...I think she army crawled because she is so tiny. At 10 months she finally was weighing in at 14 pounds so she is our teeny tiny little girl. This momma isn't complaining about that. 

Really Aarron and I are so blessed with such wonderful and amazing children. They are happy, smart, and have such fun and unique personalities. I love them so much more then they will probably ever know. I have spent just about every second of their lives with them at this point and I wouldn't change that for the world. I love that I get to experience them growing up to its fullest. I know sometimes people think I am crazy and that I "need" time away from them, but really what I need is to not miss the moments that I get with my kids. You don't get that many years with them and I don't want to give those moments away. I use to feel bad that it bothered people but now I think people just need to accept that I do things my way and that they can share time with my kids with us or miss out. There choice. Nobody has to agree with me accept Aarron and everyone else just ought to respect the way we do it. I hope that through all of this though my kids will know that I love them more then anything in the world!!!

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