Friday, November 2, 2012

Ian's Story

Call me crazy but I wanted my babies close. By close I was thinking 2 years apart. Not the case with these boys. I got pregnant again when Aiden was 9 months old. We were planning for another but we thought it would take longer to get pregnant. No big shock life doesn't normally go as planned which doesn't really bother me so much.

I will skip through the journey of his pregnancy. There was so much going on it would turn into a whole different post and I don't want all of that stuff to be my focus. So I was originally due June 27, 2007...little Ian did not want to stay in there that long. He was 12 days early which I am very glad about. Ian was my biggest baby. He weighed 7.12 and was 20 inches long.

Back to the beginning of his arrival though. We were living in Ephraim at his point. We wanted to make sure that Aiden had somewhere to be so we drove up to my mom's house in Kearns. We stayed up there for a few days and then had to head back. We thought we would spend a few days together before baby..once again plans changed. As we were getting ready to leave Ian dropped noticeably. I was very stressed about leaving Aiden. I love him so much and did not want to leave without him. I am attached to my kids. I think honestly that is what put me into labor but that is just a theory. Anyways we left on June 14, 2007. I was having contractions as we were driving back to Ephraim. Contractions started at 2:12 p.m.  but were not supper consistent or hard and again I didn't say anything to Aarron which wasn't a huge deal since things did not move quickly. Actually my contractions stopped all together. Part of me was bugged and part of me was happy. I was glad because who wants pain really especially when it hasn't been that long since you had your last baby. The other part of me was irritated because the sooner Ian decided to get here the sooner I would see my little Aiden bug. I figured that come my ultrasound tomorrow (June 15th) we would find out where the baby was at anyways. I was suppose to get the ultrasound to find out how big Ian was going to be to make sure I would be able to deliver him.

Aarron went to work not long after we got home. He had to work a double so he worked from 4 in the afternoon on June 14th until 8 in the morning of June 15th. My contractions started again that night (early morning) at 1 in the morning. They got pretty intense pretty quick so I spent the next couple hours trying to sleep off and on. There was no guess work this time in what was going on. I knew I was in labor. I don't like hospitals so I figured I would try to wait it out at home seeing as I had already done that with Aiden. I got in a hot shower trying to relieve some of the pain at 4 in the morning. It worked great while I was in the shower but as soon as I got out it made no difference. I was having back labor really bad. Even with all of that going on I was pretty sure that my contractions were not so urgent that I needed to call Aarron to come home so I waited. I made it until he got home and then we left so that I could make the ultrasound appointment. Yes this was my intelligent pregnant moment and I did still plan on making the ultrasound appointment. It seemed like it took forever for them to check me in so I finally said "I am having contractions so can we hurry this up." Well no ultrasound for me that morning and they just sent me back to get ready to have our second baby boy. We got all settled in at about 9 that morning. I came in this time dilated to an 8 and 70% effaced. Unfortunately for me it was not another fast delivery. Ian would not drop which also meant I didn't progress much for awhile. I ended up sitting on a stability ball  to get him to drop finally. I also had Ian naturally and once they popped my water little Ian wanted to join us. He was born at 1:07 p.m. His birth was a painful one for me which I still have not forgotten. He was not quite all the was face up but just about. I am just glad that we got him here safely. I love him like crazy to. It is funny how your heart just seems to grow with each baby. You never realize how much love you can have for people until you have your own family.

Some of the things I found funny during Ian's birth or find funny now anyways are...
Aarron told me "Honey if you wait just two more hours then you will have him the same time as Aiden." I am not gonna lie I told him not to say another word, but I laugh about it now. I love him and I love that even in tougher moments he is always trying to make people smile.

I also find it funny now that all of the nurses called me their hero. I didn't get why for awhile but I do now and   I think it helped with the other two births as I pulled strength from those statements. I am glad that I suffer in silence because I think I would have been very embarrassed if I had made a huge deal but that is just how I am. I think that giving birth is empowering for women and that each of us needs to find our own way to cope through the birth whether it is an epidural or screaming or in my case counting and ignoring everyone it is personal and no way is wrong!

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