Tuesday, November 20, 2012

test of FAITH!!!

Okay so 6 months ago we moved from Cedar City, Utah back up to West Valley City, Utah. We moved with the intentions of staying up here for a long time. We moved back to be closer to family so that it was easier to see everyone...once again Heavenly Father is letting me know I am so far off the mark.

It was very hard for me to adjust from Cedar lifestyle to life up here. I missed Cedar horribly and struggled through the first four months up here. Aarron, myself, and our older kids did pray about going back to Cedar City. We knew at some point that we were going to go back to Cedar and that it was where our family was suppose to be, but of course we didn't think it would be soon. As I finally settle into life up here and start getting to know people better a change is to come...

This seems to be the way life works for me which isn't horrible. I am a pretty positive person most of the time and most days I can find the good in just about everything even when my kids are doing something naughty. I don't really know why I am like that, but I do believe it makes the rough patches in life a whole lot easier! I also think it is a great example for my children. So anyways back to the change to come about.

Aarron has been putting in for a position to advance in the company we did not get the job as they already had someone lined up for the position. He had stated in his application for the job that he wanted to advance in the company and further his knowledge so when the same position came available in St. George we put it for it to keep with his word, but both of us felt like he would not get that position so there was no real stress for us to worry about a move. About a week after he put in for the St. George job we got a call from one of the people who works down in the Cedar City office telling Aarron that he would like him to come back down and take his old job back with a pay raise.

This put some stress on us at this point. Since we weren't really planning on having to move it opened a door to something we were not prepared for which is not uncommon when God has a plan for you :) So the opportunity for us to go back to Cedar had readily fallen in our laps with a bonus we had not expected. The move though needed to take place in 4 weeks. I felt crazy four weeks is so fast...how was I suppose to manage that and get the kids still to school and on the list went. I was skeptical to say yes lets just move to Cedar City, because I didn't want to do something that was not the best thing for my family. Of course I started to pray and yet because I am such a logically thinking person I could not figure out if the answer was yes we need to go or if I just thought it made sense and how can you turn down a pay raise. We talked it out and we talked to my parents after much consideration that seemed to be the best option.

Now to get ready to move and find a home. With a job lining up and a pay raise the majority of everything was in place, but you cannot move without a home. I am a planner and I want a lot of notice so I set up a U-haul for our move for four weeks from the date but two weeks had gone by and we didn't have a house. I was beyond stressed and scared. I was trying to be faithful but felt like this was a huge road block and it got me thinking that maybe God was trying to tell us this was not what we were suppose to do. So again I started praying about if we were suppose to go now and I felt that we were so I willing stuck with trying to find somewhere to live. We could not get into where we wanted to go with the school we wanted the kids in, but I decided maybe I was trying to again place my wants in front of the Lords plan for us so I branched out our options. We moved the U-haul back a week and now had 3 weeks to find somewhere to live. It took us a few days. We got an application to an apartment where the rent was $580 but I felt the best about this apartment then all the others we had talked to yet including the place we wanted to get into. So we figured we could just wait and see what happened.

I have been packing the house up so it is ready at whatever point we actually do have to move. The day we went to print out the application for the apartment we applied to we went to see someone we are close to and care about a lot and found out that she is going to separate from her spouse which is a good thing for her, but we know it will be hard on her and her family so we felt very bad and like maybe we shouldn't move. It honestly ate at me for days. I again searched for an answer from Heavenly Father about what we were suppose to do. I am beyond grateful to know that he knows me and my family and will guide us in the direction that is best for us. I again got the answer that this is what we are suppose to do which is such a blessing. Knowing that we were suppose to still move I wanted to make sure we got the apartment. We did get approved and found that out just yesterday in the early afternoon. Funny enough though I got a call about an hour after that approval finding out that we can get into the place we wanted to and rent will only be 462 a month. This has been such a test of my faith and sticking through all the uncertainty but I am so glad I have a Heavenly Father who I can count on to guide me through those tests and that he blesses my faith. It took a lot of faith for me to feel so unplanned, but I am grateful for the strength it added to my testimony!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Story of a Girl

So I guess my girls story jumps around a bit...

So about three weeks after I had Aiden I saw this little girl in my head and thought it was wishful thinking on my part wanting a baby girl...after we found out we were having a girl I think it was God giving me a heads up :o)

Then as I stated in Owen's story I saw two of Aarron's ancestors in my dream Feki and Ana. Again when we found out I think this was God saying Brisha pay attention I have two babies for you still. Of course I didn't really pay attention. Apparently I am slow on the uptake. I usually make my own plans and Heavenly Father lets me know how off the mark I am. I trust in him though because he always knows what is best for me and the path my life needs to take!

After having Owen I felt pretty done. I felt like my family was complete. I told everyone I did not want a football team to have a girl and that I loved my boys more then anything in the world. I didn't need a baby girl...Oh how wrong I was!

Here is the start of my sweet baby girls story. I skipped three birth control pills thinking it was just one. I told Aarron that night that we were pregnant and I was right. My due date was exactly 40 weeks from that day. Pretty crazy when you know the day you got pregnant with your fourth child. Anyways I was not really sure how to feel. I was worried about being pregnant again. I don't have horrible pregnancies but they are rough on me. Once I hit about 5-6 months I can't lay down because it is to painful and I am tired through the majority of my pregnancy. I have a lot of pain. It was a lot for me to take on with three kids and I was worried and to boot Aiden was going to school for the first time. I was a wreck.

One of my first questions to my doctor was "How soon can we tie my tubes after I have this baby?" I love my babies and I am glad I have them, but like I said I was really worried about going through another pregnancy. My whole pregnancy I tried to convince myself it was a boy but I just never really could. I think I knew she was a girl. Come our ultrasound I knew it was a girl even before they told us and I was "tickled pink!" That is actually the words I said all day kind of silly since she was a girl but it was true...for the first time I got to buy pink and cute girly things :o)

I am not in a great head space well I am pregnant and with her it seemed to be worse. I guess it could be possible that I struggle with depression during pregnancy rather then postpartum, but at any rate it is not easy on me mentally. With every baby I always worried about dying during childbirth or that I would have a stillborn baby...I don't know if everyone goes through that or not. At the end of my pregnancy with Dessa it got bad enough that I spent every moment of my day thinking of if I should write out notes for pretty much everything in my children's lives for Aarron so he knew all of what he needed to do for each of them. At that time we had some doctor stuff going on for Aiden and what not. I will say it got really bad. I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I could die. Funny thing is at about 6 months I prayed to my Heavenly Father that I would be okay and I knew I would be, and yet I could not keep those thoughts from my head. It got bad enough that I felt like I really needed to just be done being pregnant. We talked to our doctor and decided I would get induced on Halloween.

We went into the hospital at 3:30 in the morning on October 31, 2011. It was not the most pleasant experience in the world. I did not progress at all for many hours. They rechecked me at 9:30 and nothing had really changed so they started the cycle all over. At this point I was worried that I might end up getting sent home which I did not want to do. Come about 1 they started the pitocin. I hate pit it made my contractions so bad that there was literally no break in them. It wasn't the first time that I had gone through this so I was pretty determined to tough it out and go natural again. By about three I was only dilated to a five and not very much effaced which was so infuriating to me. I could not understand why things would not progress I mean I had done this before so I felt like my body should have been moving things along faster. They did even break my water to try to move things along which also did not do much.

My contractions by this point were so bad that I could not catch my breath through contractions. I finally looked over and asked Aarron to tell me to breath while I was contracting because I wasn't managing that on my own. That is a big deal for me because I don't say anything while I am in labor nor do I want to be talked to. I think Aarron really knew I was struggling but he just didn't know how to really help me. He did remind me to breath though pretty regularly and he did sit and hold my hand for a long time trying to give me his support which I desperately needed! I love Aarron and I am so grateful to his strength for me through all of that. I love that I could depend on him through that even though there was not much he really could do. 

I stayed at a five for about two hours. I at during that time frame while I was struggling to catch my breath did ask for the IV pain meds that took the edge off which was a huge relief and did help me cope better. IT did not last very long though unfortunately.Then I moved to a six and stayed there for another two hours. I felt like I had done everything I could to move things along and nothing was working. I was feeling very tired since I had not slept and very upset by how long this was taking. I had hoped I would be able to see my boys in their Halloween costumes and that they would be able to see their baby sister. Once again my plan was not working like I wanted it to. Well as time moved like a turtle and I was fed up the only real happy thought I had was that I knew at this point they wouldn't send me home and I would get to meet my beautiful baby girl!!!

At about 7:45 p.m. the nurse came in and asked if I wanted her to check me of course I said no...why would you say yes? Anyways she walked out of the room and about 5 minutes later my contractions changed and I knew we were close. The thing was my doctor was not there yet and his house was about 10 minutes away. I told Aarron to call the nurse because she needed to check me. Sure enough I had finished dilating so they ran to call the doc that was at 7:57 p.m. After having done this three other times my body knew what it was suppose to be doing and it was ready. That is a good thing when your doctor is in the hospital when your doctor isn't there it is a little stressful and crazy for everyone especially the nurses. They told me not to push to keep her in until the doctor came...all the other ladies who have had a baby before you know how much of a joke that is! Well little Dessa baby was delivered by the head nurse with no complications and I got to do it naturally again :o) She was born at 8:05 p.m. on Halloween and she got a cute little minnie mouse colored bow in her hair so that was her first "costume" ever. My doctor made it in right after she was born and as they cut her umbilical cord. I love my doctor and I am sad that he did not make it there to deliver her, but I am glad that the nurses were so amazing and that everything went smoothly. 

Part of me is sad that her birthday is on Halloween, but I will make sure that she gets to have her birthday celebration always be about her. I hope that she loves Halloween and knows that her birthday is more important to us then Halloween. Halloween aside though I am so glad that I have a baby girl. Girls are different then boys. I love my boys like crazy and I don't love Dessa anymore then I do them, but I was wrong. I did need a baby girl and I could not have gotten a better baby girl.

She is such a blessing in my life. She is so happy and sweet. She is so loving and she loves her mommy. She loves to be with mommy and just cuddle. She is also super tiny which is fun for me since my boys were so big. I love all my kids and I am glad that we have four amazing children and that our beautiful family is complete for now. It will be fun when the baby journey I get to go on later in life is for a grandchild. Life is such a beautiful thing and I am determined to enjoy every moment with my children absolutely possible!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Owen's Story

Alright Owen's story will involve a very special and personal back story for me. I think it is so important to remember this though and I really do wish I would have written this one earlier so I could have better captured the details of this back story.

So here it goes. I had finally lost most of the weight and was getting really close to the weight I was at before I got pregnant with Aiden. That was a lot of effort to put in and so selfishly I was really considering being done having kids. Aarron was okay with that, but then he is easy going so that was not surprising to me. I was pretty sure he would go along with whatever. I told him though that I thought we should pray about it so I did. It did not take long for me to get an answer from that prayer. I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for answering that prayer so that I was so sure of what I was suppose to do and where he was leading our lives.

A few nights after I had prayed about if we were suppose to have more babies or not I had a dream. This dream was unlike any other dream I have had in my life and it strengthened my testimony probably more then anything else ever has. That night during my dream I encountered two of Aarron's Tongan family members who have passed away. I saw Aarron's grandma and his grandpa's brother Feki. During this dream we were walking along a beach with beautiful green trees around us. We walked up along a rock structure ( I can't really find the right words to describe this) and as we rounded the last of the rock Feki turned around and handed me a beautiful baby boy wrapped in a blanket and I knew that we would name that boy Owen Feki and that he was my baby. He was meant for our home. There was such a peaceful feel to that dream that part of me didn't want to leave it and I wanted to get to stay and get to know both of them better. Funny though that no words were exchanged and yet so much communication went on. I am so grateful for that dream. I know without a doubt in my mind that there is life after this and that we will get to see those family members that we have lost.

Anyways I woke up and knew that we had a baby boy up there waiting for us. We decided shortly after to have another baby. Aarron was determined that it was a girl but at 5 weeks I called that he was a boy. He got so stuck on it being a girl that I almost started to believe him and it made me kind of sad to think it wasn't my little Owen waiting in heaven. I think I started to believe Aarron because he had been right so far about the gender of our kids and Aiden was set on it being a girl. Aiden wanted a sister so bad, but deep down I knew it was our boy :o) The pregnancy flew by normally and the morning of April 18, 2010 contractions started bright and early and by that I mean 12:00 a.m.

My contractions that early started to get to be about 5 minutes apart but were not very long and then they settled down to about 30 minutes apart. It was obvious to me that I had a ways to go so I decided to relax as best I could. At about 10:00 in the morning relaxing was not really an option. I got very restless because little Owen was restless. Every time I had a contraction Owen would move around or kick me. That went on for a lot of time. This time we were in Cedar so we did not get to drop our kids off to my mom so we had had asked one of our friends to watch them. I decided by 2:30 that I was done being in that much pain so either they were going to give me something to stop contractions or break my water so that I could progress. I texted my friend and we had to wait for them to get home from church so we could drop the kids off. We got checked into the hospital and got situation at about 3:20 in the afternoon. I was dilated to a 5 and 60% effaced. I was so uncomfortable through labor that by the time we were discussing pain I had for the first time considered an epidural. I am glad that I never got an epidural but I did take the option of the pain med through my IV to take the edge off. It only last "an hour" they say but it doesn't last that long for me though it lasted 40 minutes and it only barely took the edge off. I actually ended up grounding Owen an hour before he was even born. Aarron and the nurse got a chuckle out of that. I told him he needed to stop kicking me during contractions and true to a child he did not listen :o) Our sweet little bundle of joy was born at 6:22 p.m. he was 7.5 and 19 1/2 inches long.

Little Owen is such a sweet little boy. I love him so much and am so glad that I did pray about having more babies so that I got to enjoy another sweet little boy in my life!

Ian's Story

Call me crazy but I wanted my babies close. By close I was thinking 2 years apart. Not the case with these boys. I got pregnant again when Aiden was 9 months old. We were planning for another but we thought it would take longer to get pregnant. No big shock life doesn't normally go as planned which doesn't really bother me so much.

I will skip through the journey of his pregnancy. There was so much going on it would turn into a whole different post and I don't want all of that stuff to be my focus. So I was originally due June 27, 2007...little Ian did not want to stay in there that long. He was 12 days early which I am very glad about. Ian was my biggest baby. He weighed 7.12 and was 20 inches long.

Back to the beginning of his arrival though. We were living in Ephraim at his point. We wanted to make sure that Aiden had somewhere to be so we drove up to my mom's house in Kearns. We stayed up there for a few days and then had to head back. We thought we would spend a few days together before baby..once again plans changed. As we were getting ready to leave Ian dropped noticeably. I was very stressed about leaving Aiden. I love him so much and did not want to leave without him. I am attached to my kids. I think honestly that is what put me into labor but that is just a theory. Anyways we left on June 14, 2007. I was having contractions as we were driving back to Ephraim. Contractions started at 2:12 p.m.  but were not supper consistent or hard and again I didn't say anything to Aarron which wasn't a huge deal since things did not move quickly. Actually my contractions stopped all together. Part of me was bugged and part of me was happy. I was glad because who wants pain really especially when it hasn't been that long since you had your last baby. The other part of me was irritated because the sooner Ian decided to get here the sooner I would see my little Aiden bug. I figured that come my ultrasound tomorrow (June 15th) we would find out where the baby was at anyways. I was suppose to get the ultrasound to find out how big Ian was going to be to make sure I would be able to deliver him.

Aarron went to work not long after we got home. He had to work a double so he worked from 4 in the afternoon on June 14th until 8 in the morning of June 15th. My contractions started again that night (early morning) at 1 in the morning. They got pretty intense pretty quick so I spent the next couple hours trying to sleep off and on. There was no guess work this time in what was going on. I knew I was in labor. I don't like hospitals so I figured I would try to wait it out at home seeing as I had already done that with Aiden. I got in a hot shower trying to relieve some of the pain at 4 in the morning. It worked great while I was in the shower but as soon as I got out it made no difference. I was having back labor really bad. Even with all of that going on I was pretty sure that my contractions were not so urgent that I needed to call Aarron to come home so I waited. I made it until he got home and then we left so that I could make the ultrasound appointment. Yes this was my intelligent pregnant moment and I did still plan on making the ultrasound appointment. It seemed like it took forever for them to check me in so I finally said "I am having contractions so can we hurry this up." Well no ultrasound for me that morning and they just sent me back to get ready to have our second baby boy. We got all settled in at about 9 that morning. I came in this time dilated to an 8 and 70% effaced. Unfortunately for me it was not another fast delivery. Ian would not drop which also meant I didn't progress much for awhile. I ended up sitting on a stability ball  to get him to drop finally. I also had Ian naturally and once they popped my water little Ian wanted to join us. He was born at 1:07 p.m. His birth was a painful one for me which I still have not forgotten. He was not quite all the was face up but just about. I am just glad that we got him here safely. I love him like crazy to. It is funny how your heart just seems to grow with each baby. You never realize how much love you can have for people until you have your own family.

Some of the things I found funny during Ian's birth or find funny now anyways are...
Aarron told me "Honey if you wait just two more hours then you will have him the same time as Aiden." I am not gonna lie I told him not to say another word, but I laugh about it now. I love him and I love that even in tougher moments he is always trying to make people smile.

I also find it funny now that all of the nurses called me their hero. I didn't get why for awhile but I do now and   I think it helped with the other two births as I pulled strength from those statements. I am glad that I suffer in silence because I think I would have been very embarrassed if I had made a huge deal but that is just how I am. I think that giving birth is empowering for women and that each of us needs to find our own way to cope through the birth whether it is an epidural or screaming or in my case counting and ignoring everyone it is personal and no way is wrong!

Aiden's Story

This is another one of those that I wish I would have been blogging for as the details are much clearer when things are recent. I have been told I have a good memory though so maybe only the smaller details will be lost...

I found out I was pregnant on June 8, 2005. I had just finished my junior year of high school which means I was pregnant in April of my junior year. Not the smartest thing to do which is a given, but it is also something I wouldn't go back and change. In part this pregnancy got us to where we are now. Yes we had some tough times but we are stronger for them and we have a beautiful family to show for all of it.

Anyways I found out that I was pregnant at the hospital. I was suppose to be getting the metal rod and plate removed from my right arm and Aarron had come with as support. Funny how that worked out I guess. Anyways they automatically test you between certain ages and I fell into that category. Obviously the test came back positive. My response was "That's not possible." Such a stupid thing to respond with as it was, but I was in shock...in all honesty I was living in denial is more accurate. That response though had them running a blood test twice. Needless to say no surgery and we had to tell my parents. The only thing I regret about being at the hospital was that Aarron was not able to find out first since I was a minor. The knowledge that I was pregnant sent a spiral of events and drama into motion that is not important to be recalled. It was rough and words were said that unfortunately I remember but at this point have forgiven. I am glad none of those harsh words were from my parents. They were very loving and kind which I would hope to be if any of my children end up pregnant. I really just hope that my children are smarter then me in the regard to not get pregnant but I also hope they are as smart as I was so that they can find a wonderful spouse to share their life with forever!

Skipping forward 7 months. January 6, 2006 rolls around. I started having contractions at 10:20 that night. I remember this because I kept looking at the clock through my contractions thinking why is time going so slow. It was a very long night and I was up and down pacing moving around trying with all my might to get comfortable. That never did happen really. I didn't realize I was having contractions and did not bother to get anyone up. The next morning rolls around and the day moves along as most Saturdays do. I was up and about feeling very exhausted at 8:30. I woke Aarron up so he could go to work. I took him to work at 10 that morning and was still very uncomfortable and somewhat in pain but didn't mention it to him. Mind you I didn't realize still what was going on. I got home from dropping him off and started laundry no easy feat squatting down to do laundry when you have been in labor for 12 hours at this point. My mom noticed that I was in pain and offered to switch the laundry around for me. She asked if I was having contractions and I said "I don't know, maybe?" She told me to sit down and she was going to time them. Apparently time had decided to speed up finally at some point and I had missed the memo. She timed my contractions and they were less then a minute apart...not a good thing when they hospital happens to be at least 30 minutes away.

We hoped in the car and headed straight for the hospital. One of my contractions during that drive was over 3 minutes long I know this because I was counting slowly to get through my contractions. That is how I deal...I suffer in silence through my pain but I cope. Anyways we got to the hospital at 1:50 and I was dilated to a 10 and 100 % effaced. They popped my water and then it was just a matter of getting Aiden's head to stop hitting my pelvic bone. I pushed for about 50 minutes but once the doctor came in it was like that whole time had been wasted. He came right in as I pushed pulled up Aiden's head over my pelvic bone and out the boy came. He was born at 3:00 p.m. on January 7, 2006. Aarron had told a coworker that I would have Aiden that day. Apparently they had all been betting on when our little guy would come. Aarron missed Aiden's birth by just minutes because they had closed the door on him. The hospital didn't know that it was Aarron trying to come into the room. It is sad that he missed Aiden's birth but he was in the room right after his birth and was the second person to hold Aiden...I was the first of course. That day changed our lives and Aarron has been the most amazing daddy in the world. I love him so much and am so grateful to have him in our lives!


This post is definitely more for personal purposes then anything else. I wish I would have gotten to the blogging world about 7 years earlier. I would have loved to blog about my personal journey that began that long ago and that created the beautiful family and journey I now have. Anyways in my lack of blogging or writing in a journal I have missed recording some of those important milestones in my children's lives. I would suggest to all you mommies out there if you happen to read across my blog to keep a record of all those fun first your kids do. First smile, tooth, laugh, etc.

I will be posting the very basics of what I can recall of my kids milestones. I do have some things written down for Aiden but did not manage to do so for all of them.

First tooth- 10 months

Walked- 11 months...He did this one day all on his own. I had sat him down in the kitchen so that I could get him a bottle and as I turned around to check on him he had stood up and was walking in this perfect little circle. It was one of the best moments ever.

I also recorded Aiden's first snow storm on video but I am not sure what age he was, but it is an amazing video that I treasure dearly!

Aiden rolled over a little late as he had acid reflux and was held pretty constantly I don't think he rolled over until he was 5 months old.

He crawled shortly after that somewhere between 6-7 months.

Aiden's first word was dada 

It makes me sad that I can't record more of his milestones but I am very glad that I do remember some of them

First tooth- 6 months

Walked- 1 week to the day before his first birthday. It was fun to watch him walk back and forth between Aarron and me and to watch him feel sure enough of himself to walk.

We got a funny video of Ian when he was a baby eating a chicken nugget while asleep but it got lost off of a phone. Part of me is glad cause the poor kid would have never lived that down, but I still chuckle about it sometimes. It was very cute.

Ian rolled over at 3 months I believe

He crawled at 5 1/2 months I think...I do not enjoy that there is guess work in these milestones but better to have some idea then none at all.

Ian's first word was dada

First tooth- 6 months as well

Walked-- 11 months and then he started running after his brothers about 2 weeks later :) It hasn't stopped yet.

Owen rolled over between 2 1/2 months

He crawled finally at 7 months

He first word was mama which he said at almost 8 months and then he stopped making noise at all once he hit about 9. He would later begin to grunt but did not make sounds anymore.

After that we missed a lot of milestones because Owen was missing some important developmental moments. This was because his ears were so full of fluid that his ear drums wouldn't move. I think he was like that from the time he was 8 months until we got tubes for him right before he turned two. I felt like such an awful mom because I had somehow missed that he was struggling to hear. Aiden had bad ear infections and had ended up with tubes when he was just over 1 so I felt like I really should have caught Owen's issue. Looking back at it all now though how was I honestly suppose to know when he wasn't getting ear infections and the few times he showed signs we asked a doctor and it looked like he was getting over an ear infection. We did the best we could with what we knew, and my lack of knowledge does not mean there was a lack of love on my part. I am glad I learned that and that we are getting to watch him progress so quickly now. He is doing amazingly well. He has picked up huge amounts of speech in the last 8 months and he also has improved his fine motor skills greatly as well. I love my boy and am glad that I can help him through this trial in his life and hope that I can continue to do that for him as he grows up and has to face more challenges.

First tooth-- to this point that has not happened which is good to some degree because it will allow her teeth to be healthier and we don't have to worry about teeth until she hits 18 months and then they would just take x rays to make sure they are there :o)

Walked- She is our only baby that has not walked before one but that is okay with me to and I am glad that she is still tiny since I have to carry her around still. She is a girl so of course she has to take make her mark right ;o) Plus she only just turned one on Halloween

Her first word was mama of course and she started saying that at 4 months old but I think she realized that mama was me around 6 months.

Dessa rolled over when she was 3 months old

She army crawled clear up to 9 months and then would get on her hands and knees and rock by 10 months she was finally crawling that way most of the time...I think she army crawled because she is so tiny. At 10 months she finally was weighing in at 14 pounds so she is our teeny tiny little girl. This momma isn't complaining about that. 

Really Aarron and I are so blessed with such wonderful and amazing children. They are happy, smart, and have such fun and unique personalities. I love them so much more then they will probably ever know. I have spent just about every second of their lives with them at this point and I wouldn't change that for the world. I love that I get to experience them growing up to its fullest. I know sometimes people think I am crazy and that I "need" time away from them, but really what I need is to not miss the moments that I get with my kids. You don't get that many years with them and I don't want to give those moments away. I use to feel bad that it bothered people but now I think people just need to accept that I do things my way and that they can share time with my kids with us or miss out. There choice. Nobody has to agree with me accept Aarron and everyone else just ought to respect the way we do it. I hope that through all of this though my kids will know that I love them more then anything in the world!!!