Thursday, April 11, 2013


I am grateful for honesty. I love when people can be honest. I know that many do not enjoy honesty anymore, but I really do. I wish people were more honest. That being said you do not have to be rude to be honest. Honesty to me is when you tell someone the truth in a way that is least likely to hurt anyone's feelings.  It is hard to do that sometimes and of course there are times where the truth may not always be the very best choice. Don't ever go telling people they look fat when they ask you but you could possibly offer up a different option with a line like "this might go together better." Always a nice way to be honest and who wants to go out looking horrible in an outfit. Unless you are the husband then I guess the rules might change? I would still want my hubby to be honest with me. I am so thankful for the fact that he is honest with me. He is always so strong for me and I love that. He is always honest while being so strong and yesterday was a little different then the normal for him. I love him even more for letting me know how he feels completely about Owen going to school even if it went against his idea of being "strong" for me. I love him so much and I am glad that our relationship is such a positive one that we can have one hundred percent honest conversations with each other and not worry about a judgement. We support and love one another and do our very best to help each other through the struggles life tosses our way. Both Aarron and I are struggling with Owen growing up. It has been so hard because he has grown up all at once on us and we have never had to consider putting any of our kids going to school before they were 5. For some reason it is so much harder for us. We are going to do what is best for Owen. We will pray about it and we will trust in the Lord. I still hope to be able to have Owen in school for just 6 weeks and then we can get him caught up so he doesn't have to go next year. I do feel we should put him in school even though neither of us love the idea, but we will pray about it to know we are doing the best thing for him. I love the honesty of the preschool worker who tested him yesterday as well. I enjoy when people trust me with the truth and allow me to know all the facts. So here is to a more honest world. : )

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