Sunday, April 21, 2013

a WeEkS wOrTh

So this time getting behind was intentional and I will continue to update a week at a time in hopes that my sad computer will make it until we can afford a new one. There is no hope for this one long term and we have to save up the money to get a new one as I do not classify a computer as a necessity.

April 15, 2013

Grateful for those moments in the day that you catch your kids doing something unexpected and "heart warming." I have had so many of those moments lately that I cannot help but be grateful for those moments and the joy I receive from them.

April 16, 2013

I am grateful for the time we spend in the morning reading our scriptures. There are many wonderful verses that I come upon during those morning reads. Not only that but I know that it starts out my children's morning on the right track as well as teaches them what to center their lives around.

April 17, 2013

I am so thankful that I can understand my sweet Owen bug. I do not always understand what he is saying but I do understand enough of what he says now that it isn't such a huge upset for him now. I didn't realize that I ought to be thankful for this until the other day when Owen was being tested and the lady turned to me and said, "can you understand him?"

April 18, 2013

I am so thankful that we were able to spend the whole day with mister Owen on his 3rd birthday. It is so fun to celebrate with my kids on their birthdays. He had a lot of fun and his cute little personality really showed through. I even got some super cute pics.

April 19, 2013

I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to use my creativity recently. It has been so much fun to jump back into dance. I had given it up since I had Aiden and I wouldn't change that for the world, but I have really enjoyed creating these dance workouts. Not the same as I use to do but it is better than nothing. Now I just have to remember them as I teach them and start out left. : /

April 20, 2013

I am so thankful for the beautiful relaxing Saturday we had. I was able to go outside and play with my kids. Thanks to the weather for behaving like spring. :) Then we got to watch the Sandlot which of course meant smores. I love that we were able to share something so simple with our kids but it will be something that we can share with our kids regularly and create some really fun memories for them.

April 21, 2013

I am grateful for sunglasses. Odd maybe but someone with light sensitive does learn to appreciate something so simple. Without my sunglasses I would have ridiculous headaches all of the time. This at least makes it so they don't get so out of control.

Be grateful for the small things in life. Those are the blessings most often passed by.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

hard getting done

April 12, 2013

I am so bad at getting on when the weekend comes around. We are always go go go busy. I don't mind though. I love soaking in all the family time. I love the uninterrupted time with my older school bound kids. Anyways I am grateful for the KCC cleanse I have begun and all the information that has come with it. I really do feel like I am starting to get such great life changing information for myself and my family. I love that this can become a new lifestyle. It will be a "fight" at first I am sure, but in the long run I think we will all end up loving the new food. Plus I know we will all feel so much better. :)

April 13, 2013

We had so much fun on Saturday. It was a new event for our family and to boot it was FREE. Who complains about free right. We went to the ladybug nursery at 9:30 in the morning for the free breakfast which was pretty good. The weather was a little chilly but at least it didn't rain or snow. Then all of the kids got to catch and keep all the ladybugs they could find. It was a lot of fun watching the boys try to catch all the ladybugs crawling around. It was so fun that I hope they do it every year so we can go.  One of the best things about the day aside from the family time was that Owen started saying bayeebug at the end of the time we were there. I love when he picks up new words. I love how hard he works to learn new things and pick up new skills. He is such an amazing little guy and such a huge light and joy to our family. Also our sweet little Dessa baby started pointed out ladybugs all over the place at the end of the time we were there and she also said bug bug bug. So cute. My kids are so much fun and I love every minute! Owen also got to see sheep with his brothers across the way from the ladybug nursery and he walked around going baa baa. So funny. All smiles that day and so thankful for our whole Saturday!  Honestly so grateful for all those beautiful moments I got to witness. They are small I am sure but I don't care because they were huge to me. :o)

April 14, 2013
For today I am grateful for the moments that my computer decides to be functional. It has been kind of a mess lately. I am thankful that I can still get on and get done what I need to on my computer. I am hoping that it will start behaving nicer! Guess we will see how long it will last and then if I stop posting we will know it died? Honestly I am sure it will last a while but it is pretty old.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


I am grateful for honesty. I love when people can be honest. I know that many do not enjoy honesty anymore, but I really do. I wish people were more honest. That being said you do not have to be rude to be honest. Honesty to me is when you tell someone the truth in a way that is least likely to hurt anyone's feelings.  It is hard to do that sometimes and of course there are times where the truth may not always be the very best choice. Don't ever go telling people they look fat when they ask you but you could possibly offer up a different option with a line like "this might go together better." Always a nice way to be honest and who wants to go out looking horrible in an outfit. Unless you are the husband then I guess the rules might change? I would still want my hubby to be honest with me. I am so thankful for the fact that he is honest with me. He is always so strong for me and I love that. He is always honest while being so strong and yesterday was a little different then the normal for him. I love him even more for letting me know how he feels completely about Owen going to school even if it went against his idea of being "strong" for me. I love him so much and I am glad that our relationship is such a positive one that we can have one hundred percent honest conversations with each other and not worry about a judgement. We support and love one another and do our very best to help each other through the struggles life tosses our way. Both Aarron and I are struggling with Owen growing up. It has been so hard because he has grown up all at once on us and we have never had to consider putting any of our kids going to school before they were 5. For some reason it is so much harder for us. We are going to do what is best for Owen. We will pray about it and we will trust in the Lord. I still hope to be able to have Owen in school for just 6 weeks and then we can get him caught up so he doesn't have to go next year. I do feel we should put him in school even though neither of us love the idea, but we will pray about it to know we are doing the best thing for him. I love the honesty of the preschool worker who tested him yesterday as well. I enjoy when people trust me with the truth and allow me to know all the facts. So here is to a more honest world. : )

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

good day

I am thankful for my day. Yes there were moments where I was super flustered. My sweet Owen decided to get into chocolate syrup. Can you say HUGE mess?!  Anyways even with those moments it was a great day. We got to go to the preschool today to do a few more tests with Owen. It was great to see how far he has come. It was great that the lady who was doing the testing told me she noticed how far he has come and that she can tell we work with him. It did a lot ot ease my mind about sending Owen to preschool. I am still hoping to only have to send him for the next 6 weeks and then keep him home and working with me. I am not a preschool mommy, but I do know they can offer him things I cannot and that he will greatly benefit from going. So for now I will send him to school and cry like a big baby about it. I love my kids and I will do  anything and everything I can for them as will Aarron. After that we were able to come home and get dinner done and spend some time together as a family at the dinner table. I love that time of day. It is so nice to sit down with my sweet kids and hubby and get to have everyone talk to each other. Over all I am just so grateful for my day it was a beautiful one :)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Light in the Darkness!!!

Yesterday night the power went out. Not a huge deal for me because the kids had already gone to bed and I have batteries lights around the house. I don't love the dark, but I dislike my husband being late coming home even more. I will readily admit that I am a worry and that it doesn't take me a whole lot of time to start thinking about the worst. I felt like my husband was okay but he wasn't answering his phone and was 25 minutes late. By that time I am starting to stress even though I felt like he was okay. I finally just said a prayer that Aarron would call me so I knew for sure that he was okay. Within no more then 2 minutes I get a call from Aarron. It was such a small blessing from my heavenly father, but such a testimony builder. In that moment I could not help but be more grateful than words can express for a Heavenly Father who knows and loves me. I have no doubt that he answered my prayer knowing that I needed that call from Aarron. I am grateful for the knowledge of his love for me that I do have. I am grateful that I have no doubt that he does hear me and more importantly cares enough about me to bless my life. I am not sure there is anything more precious in this life. There are miracles all around us and we are so lucky to have so many amazing and precious blessings in our life!

Monday, April 8, 2013

done...uh huh

Today I am grateful to have managed to get my laundry washed and folded. Yay it is done. Hehe right. I will probably be doing more tomorrow and if not Wednesday for sure but I am totally okay with that. I love to get my wash done. It is so nice to have it completed and put away. Plus then you get a clean bed out of it and clean clothes no complaints here. I also cannot stand stinky or soggy washcloth and towels so another bonus right there. If I get it done on the day that I wash it I feel like it is so much less work. Totally thrilled today and feeling accomplished!

the weekend...

April 6, 2013
I am so grateful for the conference weekend we just had. There were so many great words shared. I very much so enjoyed Thomas S. Monson's talk. He is so funny and real. He has a way of just letting you know we all live and learn. We mess up along the way, but we all can learn and be better. I am grateful for our church and the prophet. I am also so grateful for the many other leaders of our church and the many leaders who have impacted my life so greatly!

April 7, 2013
I am not only super thrilled about this but so thankful for it. I am thankful for the announcement of a temple to be built here in Cedar City. We will be so lucky and blessed to have a temple so close. I am excited to be able to attend the temple regularly! It is hard to say okay lets spend the next 4-5 hours away from our kids and trust them to someone else. I am not good at that. I do not lie and as much as it sounds like or is an excuse I can't change the fact that I struggle greatly with it. I have come to the realization that I do suffer from  some anxiety issues especially when it has to do with my family. Crazy I know but it is how I am. All of that being said I love the temple and do have a real desire to attend it on a regular basis. I hope to make that a possibility on a monthly basis or at least every other month. I am excited for the temple to be so close. It will drastically lessen our time away from the kids on those days. I do have to say I feel kind of bad knowing so many others in our church sacrifice so much to make a trip to a temple so far away and I will pray that more temples are built around the world for so many of the other members of our church. It is such an amazing blessing and everyone should have the opportunity to attend the temple!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Oh Boy!!!

Today I am thankful for the end of the week. Sometimes I feel like I am always just going going going until I fall in bed at night. This was one of those weeks. Things have been crazy busy and my younger kids have been rather grumpy this week. Not a super combo but I can think of many worse ones. I am so glad that the weekend is rolling around and that we will have a few lazy days. We will also have a few days where we are not worrying about homework every night. It is so nice to catch a breather. I of course will have things to do this weekend but we do not have to worry about so much. I am also super excited to get in some great family outside time again. Love this time of year! So here is to the weekend...YAHOO! I hope everyone else gets to enjoy their weekend as well. :)

Thursday, April 4, 2013


So since moving back to Cedar City I have been a lot happier. I do not enjoy the crazy busy rude city. I don't like feeling pushed through life by others. Those are some of the things I struggled with while we were up north. I am glad that we have a good place to live with some good friends. All of that being said I do miss the ease of visiting family. We by no means went and visited everyone on a super frequent basis, but the option was there to just swing by. I miss that. I think the only thing I really miss from up north is family.

Today I am so thankful that we got some time to visit with some family. It is nice to get to hear how they all are. It is beyond wonderful to be able to catch up with them and to hear about how all of our siblings are doing. I know it is a long trip for them to drive but I am glad that they did. It is funny to me that the relationship with my in-laws started out so rough. I am very glad that it is so much better now. I do enjoy spending time with them. So thank to them for making the trip down and spending time with us.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

giving time

I am one of those people who LOVES holidays. I decorate for everyone that I possibly can. I always have to have things to do with the kids for the holidays. So today I am grateful to the many persons who work on the holidays helping families so that others can enjoy their holidays with their families. Some of those people are police officers, fire fighters, and nurses. I am sure there are many other people who fit into this category. I am not sure we take the time to appreciate the safety they work to create for us. The time they are away from those they love to take care of us or our loved ones. I also am not sure how often we take the time to realize that they do put their lives on the line for us. I don't want to go around forgetting to thank some of those people that I don't know who are there to help make and keep us all safe.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Readers :)

I am so thankful for the fun books we happen to own. I am also so grateful that my kids love to read. I love that they always want to read and that most of the time they treat books so nice. I am so glad that Aiden is such a great reader. Last night was an epic fail moment for me. I have been letting Aiden read for 20-30 minutes after everyone is in bed. He does such a great job reading that I have to make sure I get back there to take the book away so he can get to sleep and so the book will last more then one day. If I don't make it back there he will stay up and read until he is done with the book. So last night that was my big fail. He finished his whole chapter book which made it so that he didn't go to bed until almost 10. I felt so bad this morning waking him up but he had to get ready for school. Future reference I guess I will set a timer so I don't forget.

Reading is one of the best things we can encourage in our children for their future so I am so excited that my children really do have a love for books and reading. Each one of them really does try to read and improve on what they can already read. I am lucky that they want to so it is not a huge fight. I am grateful for my sweet self-motivating children!