Thursday, December 13, 2012


December 9th
I am so grateful to Toa and Sela who took us into their home for the last two weeks while we were waiting to move into our apartment. I don't know what we would have done otherwise, but I cannot put into words how thankful I am for their kindness!

December 10th
I am so thankful that we were able to move back into East Elementary boundaries. That school is amazing and my kids are getting a great education!

December 11th
I am beyond grateful to both of my children's teachers and how willing they are to help my kids succeed. It is nice to have someone to help further your child's education. Honestly I can only do so this is my big THANK YOU to them!

December 12th
I also am very happy and grateful that Aarron has a job and was able to have that job while we were up north and to transfer back here. Not everyone is so lucky to have a job at this point in time and as much as I sometimes am frustrated by the time it takes from us at the end of the day I know we are so blessed that he has a job!

December 13th
I am grateful for our vehicle...we have had to spend some money fixing it and we still have things to fix on it. That being said we are so happy that we have a vehicle that fits us all and gets us to where we need to go!

I know this is a lot in one post but since we don't have internet right now that is how it has to be...I am at least writing something down everyday it just takes me a little time to get it on here. So for now they are fast short posts but in time I am sure that they will be more regular and maybe unfortunately for people reading them longer :)

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